Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's May already - it's hard to believe

You know I didn't think anyone read this blog so I stopped writing. But, I got two comments so I will provide an update. I am at a plateau. I've weighted 151 for several months now. I'm ready to go below that, however, I can't exercise because I've had pneumonia for the last 8 weeks. I had a chest x-ray today and the doctor asked me to wait before exercising.

My liver enzymes are elevated so I had blood work done today. My lowest weight was 144 lbs becuase I was in the bed sick.

I would like to get to 140 so I will have some wiggle room. I wear small size tops, and mostly size 8 pants and dresses. I still do not think that I'm small though. So, as you can see I have some mental work to do. i don't think I'm fat either though.

Still have issues with my hair, I just thank God that I started with a lot of it. I truly believe it will come back though.

You know I read other blogs and they have a lot of interesting things to talk about.... I feel that I do though.

My goals for May are to attend support group meeting and begin exercising. I have never really consistently exercised through this entire process, but I really want to know. I miss water aerobics class that I attended prior to DS 17 months ago. Water aerobics is a sneaky way to build muscle mass, I absolutley love water aerobics.

It's almost the end of school and I'm glad. I have to find an economical way to entertain my 7 year old.

to be continued....

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