Sunday, December 28, 2008

After the holidays

We had a wonderful holiday. It's great to spend time with family. We are a blessed family and I'm so thankful for the many blessings that we've received this year. I'm not referring to monetary and tangible gifts either.

Nothing new on the weight loss front. I weighed in this morning at 152. I would like to be below 150 by the end of the month but I doubt it. The weight is slowly melting off and I'm fine with that too. Next week, I will start walking at least 20 minutes in the mornings. I need the exercise and I need the sunlight to help with my Vit-D deficiency. My PCP called me in a prescription for potassium because she said my level was low. I need to goggle potassium to see what foods I can eat to help me in that area as well.


Tia L. said...

Wow, Lisa, you are doing spectacularly! Keep up the good work!

Donna said...

You are an inspirition to me. Had my open DS Sept 08, and I really enjoy reading others stories. No two are alike.
Best of luck!