Friday, January 18, 2008

Staying Focus

It's been a while since I logged in and updated this site. I'm 6 weeks out and I still feel restricted. I don't really enjoy eating which I guess is a good thing but it's somewhat disappointing to me too. I don't have a problem with the fact that I eat smaller amounts of food, I just want to enjoy the foods that I eat.

I'm not getting my supplements in. I'm trying to find ones that agree with me. I found a ADEK from SourceCF that's a softgel and it works well. I'm still looking for a chewable calcium supplement. Right now, I'm not drinking any protein shakes, they make me gag and throw up. So, I'm only getting protein from my foods. I'm getting nervous about that because I don't want to lose my hair 2 months from now. So, I need to have a sense of urgency.

So, the immediate goals are to get all of my water, protein, supplements and vitamins each day. I think I found a calcium supplement that's chewable.

I know it gets better and that's what I tell myself to encourage myself. I want to eat a salad and what really amazes me about this desire is that I'm not a salad person, but I can't wait to add lettuce to my menu. I'm not sure when I can, but I plan to find out.

Well, I don't have anything else to say right now. The weight is coming off even though, I don't have the energy to exercise daily. That's my goal for February; to exercise regularly every week.

1 comment:

Little Chef On The Prairie said...

Congratulations on getting switched!!! :) I am so thrilled for you. I look forward to reading about your adventures along the way. Blogging has really been rewarding to me personally, and has really helped work some of the head issues I have had throughout the process out. Keep it up!
